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Bible Study: 10 am
Morning Worship: 11am

Church Building Location

7035 S 44210 W Fruitland, UT 84027

Turn south on county road 218 (44210 West). Continue south for one mile and the church is on the left. 



44210 W
Fruitland, UT, 84027
United States

(435) 406-1299

We are a Baptist church that serves Duchesne county, Fruitland, Tabiona, Hanna, and Duchesne by exalting the message of the gospel and grace of Jesus Christ through expository expositional verse by verse preaching of the Bible, vibrant authentic worship and faith-filled obedience to his Word. Cedar Country Bible Fellowship is an Independent Baptist church in Fruitland, UT.

Beautiful Utah


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Beautiful Utah

Jarrod Murdock

Utah is a beautiful place to live.  Its landscape varies from alpine forests to desert plateaus, from lofty mountains to canyon gorges.  It enjoys distinct beautiful seasons each year. Utah boasts the greatest snow on earth, yet has miles of golden sand during its summer. The wildlife is likewise just as diverse hosting antelope and elk, bald eagles and sea gulls, and mountain lions and bears. Utah is a diverse and marvelous place that many enjoy.  People come from around the world and the US to enjoy the phenomenal skiing and national parks.   Other people choose to call it home and enjoy it all year round.  Many enjoy the outdoors through recreational activities such as mountain biking, hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, driving, or flying.   Yet often, for all the time, energy, and cost to enjoy Utah’s wild lands most give no notice or thought to its creator.   The created world is not simply a theme park for humanity, but points to God as creator.

Psalm 19:1 reads, The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.

The beauty and splendor of the stars on a moonless night points to the majesty of God.  Admiration at the stars should result in admiration of God the creator.

Romans 1:20a reads, For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead,

Romans 1 likewise teaches that the visible created world points to God.   The visible creation expresses truths about the invisible God, namely his eternal power and Godhead.    As the sun rises and sets with its brilliant display of light, it testifies to the great and mighty God.   The mighty aged mountains attest to the everlasting powerful God.  Romans 1:21 teaches that one’s response to the magnificence of creation should be thanks and praise to God.  We should praise Him as the eternal powerful God.   Do you simply enjoy His creation, or do you give Him praise and thanks?