Contact Us

Bible Study: 10 am
Morning Worship: 11am

Church Building Location

7035 S 44210 W Fruitland, UT 84027

Turn south on county road 218 (44210 West). Continue south for one mile and the church is on the left. 



44210 W
Fruitland, UT, 84027
United States

(435) 406-1299

We are a Baptist church that serves Duchesne county, Fruitland, Tabiona, Hanna, and Duchesne by exalting the message of the gospel and grace of Jesus Christ through expository expositional verse by verse preaching of the Bible, vibrant authentic worship and faith-filled obedience to his Word. Cedar Country Bible Fellowship is an Independent Baptist church in Fruitland, UT.

Statement of Faith

A brief summary of our essential beliefs.

We believe that the sixty-six books of the Bible are the final, completed inspired revelation of God.  The scriptures were inspired in an inerrant, verbal, and plenary fashion.
We believe that there is one God who has eternally existed in three persons who are co-eternal, co-equal, and consubstantial: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe God is spirit, sovereign, self-existent, creator, sustainer, transcendent, holy, loving, immutable, and infinite.
We believe that Jesus Christ is eternally fully God and while remaining so, also took on full sinless humanity at the virgin birth. We believe in His sinlessness, literal miracles, death, burial, bodily resurrection, bodily ascension, exaltation, present intercession, and future bodily return to earth.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is eternally fully God and personal. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment and ministers to exalt the Son. 
He is the applier of redemption and the great Comforter to the believers.
We believe that man is dead in sin and personally helpless under the just wrath of God.  Yet, we also believe according to the scriptures that salvation is solely due to the grace of God by faith alone in Jesus’ vicarious propitiatory death, burial, and resurrection.
We believe in the security and perseverance of the saints by the grace of God. We believe that God intends saints to grow and mature on to Christlikeness in the fellowship of the local church.
 We believe in the future literal bodily imminent return of Jesus Christ. We believe in the just judgement of the wicked in a literal eternal hell and the eternal rest of the righteous.

Cedar Country Bible Fellowship is a Baptist church
holding to the historic Baptist distinctives.

  • The Bible is the sole source of authority for life and practice of the church.
  • The church functions as an autonomous congregational body.
  • The church recognizes the priesthood of the believer. 
  • The leadership of the church possesses the two offices of Pastor and Deacon.
  • The church recognizes the individual soul liberty.
  • The membership of the church should consist of saved and baptized believers.
  • The church practices the two ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s supper.
  • The church and state are to be separate.