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Bible Study: 10 am
Morning Worship: 11am

Church Building Location

7035 S 44210 W Fruitland, UT 84027

Turn south on county road 218 (44210 West). Continue south for one mile and the church is on the left. 



44210 W
Fruitland, UT, 84027
United States

(435) 406-1299

We are a Baptist church that serves Duchesne county, Fruitland, Tabiona, Hanna, and Duchesne by exalting the message of the gospel and grace of Jesus Christ through expository expositional verse by verse preaching of the Bible, vibrant authentic worship and faith-filled obedience to his Word. Cedar Country Bible Fellowship is an Independent Baptist church in Fruitland, UT.

Are you just a weed eater and a hay burner?


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Are you just a weed eater and a hay burner?

Jarrod Murdock

Horses are incredible animals. They can be extremely useful to their owners.  You can use a horse to pull a carriage, pack out an elk, round up and rope cows, or simply enjoy a beautiful ride through the mountains. However, not all horses bring about such benefit to their owners.  The horse belongs to the owner and master and is for the purposes of the master. The master is not for the purposes of the horse.  Because of attitude, bad habits, or lack of training, many horses simply mow down weeds in a pasture or burn up hay from the stack. They are not serving the purpose of the master and are simply expensive weed eaters and hay burners. 

No one wants a horse for such a wasted purpose. Yet, have you ever considered God’s purpose for you? God is the Creator and Lord over all. He is the owner and master.  He is Lord of horses, seas, wind, waves and you and me.  Revelation 4:11 states, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” God has made all things according to His will and for His glory. He has an intended purpose for people.  His purpose is not for people to simply get rich, have fun, be famous, or be popular. His intended purpose for people is that they would have a relationship with him in which they love Him and walk with Him. We see a picture of this scenario before sin in the Garden of Eden as Adam and Eve enjoyed a relationship with God.

So in the grand scheme of life are you just a weed eater and a hay burner? Or are you serving the will of the Master?

The phrase, "Are you just a weed eater and a hay burner" is borrowed with permission from horse trainer, Bob Toomer.